My Power Is Soft


“Surrender your life into the rhythm of creation. She has only abundance and no lack”

Align. Embrace. Transform.

Divine feminine energy is the hand of god. It is the loving, creative and soft power necessary to create worlds. Learn and understand the mindset and skill set necessary to prepare you for your evolution. Your evolution is key to the evolution of humankind because, the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that will influence change in the world..

Feminine power & influence

Dispel the myths and "re-member" who you are

Sexual alchemy & manifestation

Learn the true meaning, purpose and power of seduction

Mastering your season

Understand how to cultivate new mindsets, master new skills from the feminine realm and take authority over your life in any season

Transmutation and contrast

Learn how to use ancient wisdom and universal laws to turn your darkness into light


I can support your Evolutionary Journey

Align frequency
Release Anxiety
Couples support
Determine Core Values
Family support
Channel Ancestors
Individual Support
Re-Member & Manifest

Support is available Now!

The hand that rocks the cradle is the same hand that will influence change in the world. Change your mind and change your world.